Automating Scripts with GPT-4

Automating Scripts with GPT-4

- 6 mins

In the field of Artificial Intelligence, one model that has raised the bar for natural language understanding and generation is GPT-4, the latest iteration in OpenAI’s Generative Pretrained Transformer series.

What is GPT-4?

GPT-4 is a large-scale transformer-based language model that builds on its predecessors to offer even more impressive language capabilities. It has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, making it an impressive tool for tasks involving natural language understanding and generation.

Automating Bash Scripting with GPT-4

One exciting application of GPT-4 is in the area of bash scripting and automation. Through its ability to comprehend complex requirements and generate corresponding scripts, GPT-4 can assist developers in automating routine tasks, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Let’s take the example of a developer needing a script to set up a server, install necessary software, clone repositories, create directories and files, and configure settings. Instead of manually writing every line of code, the developer can simply provide GPT-4 with the necessary requirements and it will generate a bash script accordingly.

Here is an example of such a script generated by ChatGPT-4:


# Check if Docker is installed
if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null; then
    curl -fsSL -o
    echo "Docker is already installed, skipping..."

# Install Docker Compose
if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/docker-compose ]; then
    curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    echo "Docker Compose is already installed, skipping..."

# Install Git
if ! command -v git &> /dev/null; then
    yum install -y git
    echo "Git is already installed, skipping..."

# Check if Apache is installed
if command -v httpd &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Apache is installed, removing..."
    yum remove -y httpd
    echo "Apache is not installed, skipping..."

# Check if Nginx is installed
if command -v nginx &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Nginx is installed, removing..."
    yum remove -y nginx
    echo "Nginx is not installed, skipping..."

# Git credentials setup
echo -n "Enter your git username: "
read username
echo -n "Enter your git password: "
read -s password
echo ""

# Store git credentials
git config --global credential.helper store
echo "https://${username}:${password}" > ~/.git-credentials

# Create /odoo repository
if [ ! -d "/odoo" ]; then
    mkdir /odoo
cd /odoo

# Create .env file and set variables
if [ ! -f ".env" ]; then
    echo -n "Enter APP_NAME: "
    read APP_NAME
    echo -n "Enter DOMAIN: "
    read DOMAIN
    echo -n "Enter TEST_DOMAIN: "
    read TEST_DOMAIN

    echo "APP_NAME=$APP_NAME" > .env
    echo "DOMAIN=$DOMAIN" >> .env
    echo "TEST_DOMAIN=$TEST_DOMAIN" >> .env

# Clone odoo repository
if [ ! -d "${APP_NAME}" ]; then
    git clone ${APP_NAME}
    echo "Directory ${APP_NAME} already exists, skipping git clone"

# Create Docker network
if ! docker network ls | grep -q 'web-net'; then
    docker network create --driver bridge web-net
    echo "Docker network web-net already exists, skipping creation"

# Clone traefik repository
if [ ! -d "traefik" ]; then
    git clone
    echo "Directory traefik already exists, skipping git clone"

# Navigate into traefik and run make up
cd traefik
if [ ! "$( docker container inspect -f '' traefik )" == "true" ]; then
    make up
    echo "Traefik is already up, skipping make up"

I generated this script by simply asking GPT-4 to write a bash script that performs the following tasks on a Debian-based server:

  1. Installs Docker, if it isn’t already installed.
  2. Installs Docker Compose, if it isn’t already installed.
  3. Installs Git, if it isn’t already installed.
  4. Removes Apache if it’s installed.
  5. Configures Git with user-provided credentials.
  6. Creates a new directory, /odoo, if it doesn’t exist.
  7. In the /odoo directory, creates a .env file with user-provided variables (APP_NAME, DOMAIN, TEST_DOMAIN) if it doesn’t already exist.
  8. Clones a repository ( to a directory named ${APP_NAME} in the /odoo directory. This step is skipped if the directory already exists.
  9. Creates a Docker network named ‘web-net’, if it doesn’t exist.
  10. Clones a repository ( to a directory named ‘traefik’ in the /odoo directory. This step is skipped if the directory already exists.

The Advantages

The generation of this script demonstrates the ability of GPT-4 to understand a range of tasks from installing Docker and Git, checking and removing existing software (like Apache), creating directories and files, cloning repositories, and configuring settings.

Using GPT-4 for bash scripting and automation brings several advantages:

  1. Efficiency: Writing scripts, especially complex ones, can be time-consuming. GPT-4 can significantly cut down the time required by generating scripts based on provided requirements.

  2. Accuracy: Manual scripting can sometimes lead to errors due to oversight. GPT-4 reduces this risk by accurately interpreting requirements and translating them into correct script commands.

  3. Learning: For beginners, understanding how to write scripts can be challenging. GPT-4-generated scripts can serve as examples to learn from.


The capabilities of GPT-4 go beyond natural language understanding and generation. As demonstrated, it can be an efficient and reliable tool for bash scripting and automation. While it is not a substitute for understanding how to write scripts, it can certainly assist developers in reducing manual work, boosting productivity, and learning more about scripting.

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